Mentors often say …

Matei Dumitrescu

Working with Techcelerator’s first batch of 12 startups, carefully selected and, like never before, prefinanced with 25k, meant, first of all, a contribution to building a strong ecosystem for healthy, sustainable businesses that I strongly believe in. It’s been a great assignment to grow these new, cutting-edge startups and thoroughly prepare them for their next financing phase. Looking forward for the next cohort and to support them in attracting new financing rounds! 

Ciprian Negura
KPMG Advisor

“I strongly believe that TECHCELERATOR deserves its place among the leading StartUp assistance programs in Romania. Nevertheless, I discovered that this means more than an incubation program: it is a community of beautiful and ambitious people that could – in the long run – change the local business environment”.

Mihai Ionescu
RICAP Local Mentor

Pentru mine, programul RICAP a fost o oportunitate de acest fel. Am întâlnit oameni curajoși care mi-au îmbogățit experiența de viață prin prezența lor, prin ideile lor, provocându-mi creativitatea în multe aspecte. Privind înainte, știu că această experiență reciprocă ne-a dat puterea de a contura drumul de-a lungul căruia cu toții continuăm să mergem.

Dan Bugariu
Smart City Timisoara
RICAP mentor

“Un blocaj al evolutie des observat la potentialii antreprenori romani este legat de lipsa unor resurse financiare necesare pentru pornirea unui business. Sigur, suportul financiar este important pentru start si, mai ales, pentru scalare, dar cu singuranta nu singular, majoritar, decisiv in succesul obtinut. RICAP reprezinta un intreg ecosistem de mentori, resurse educationale, procese si evenimente care injecteaza energie, cunostinte, competente si relatii relevante in afacerile participantilor. Participantii la acest program sunt din categoria celor care stiu ca succesul afacerii lor nu depinde exclusiv de capitalul financiar, ci mai degraba de aceste ingrediente non-financiare. Evolutia companiilor in cele 7 luni de ghidare sunt cea mai buna forma de promovare si sustinere a continuarii acestui program. Mi-a facut o desosebita placere sa lucrez cu o echipa pentru care ideile genereaza energie. Realitatea ne dezvaluie ca ecuatia idei + energie + mentori conduce anual RICAP la rezultate foarte bune.”

Robert Zănescu
Zephyr Group
RICAP Mentor

Să fii mai bun decât ai fost ieri. Să faci lucrurile mai bine și mai ușor pentru cât mai mulți oameni. Acestea sunt ingredientele de bază ale inovației. Iar atunci când toate acestea se pun în creuzetul de proiecte RICAP, când se adaugă “accesibilitate” și “customer service”, atunci inovația este gata să plece din laborator. Programul RICAP este pentru mine un transformator de proiecte și idei, un atelier practic de finisare a inovației.”

David Olson
Principal Advisor

“The mentoring program experience was fantastic! It afforded me the opportunity to work with some outstanding firms (and management teams) in “up and coming” new Romanian developed technology areas, which I would not have been exposed to otherwise. The program also allowed these Romanian start-up firms to be exposed to investors and markets outside of Romania, including the US. I would welcome the opportunity to participate in future initiatives and programs with RICAP accelerator.”

Andrei Pitiș
Vector Watch - now Fitbit

“I worked with several companies (in RICAP), one of which went to US. I think it is very important that Romanian Entrepreneurs had the chance to get advice from US experts.Throughout the mentoring sessions I noticed that the very pragmatic way in which the American advisors address issues can really create sparks in the brains of Romanian entrepreneurs and help them realize that just by knowing the US market so much better they can have a real advantage (…). RICAP has a unique positioning in the Romanian innovation ecosystem”.

Alex Lăpușan
CEO & Founder

At RICAP I met a group of people focused on pushing Romanian startups to get out there and start selling. With experienced international mentors and awesome local team, RICAP is an unique player in the local entrepreneurship ecosystem. I am glad I joined the program as a mentor and I will surely try to contribute in the future as well”.