Common Questions


Techcelerator program is structured on batches. We organize 2 batches per year. Those 2 batches are accelerated by our team – one part in Bucharest and one in Cluj (main hotspots of tech startups in Romania).  

The process starts with the online application that is reviewed and evaluated by our team with the support of the investment fund team and selected mentors. This selection can also include a video call with you but we tell in advance if it’s needed. 

The selection criteria guidelines are listed below:


  1. Experience of founder/management team (Number of founders, LinkedIn profiles, Time of working together as a team, Previous achievements or projects);
  2. Company and management team goals and vision are defined and realistic and the technology fits into the overall profile;
  3. Estimation of team attitude to learn & work, how coachable are its members?
Product & Technology

  1. Innovative idea ;
  2. Business Case Strength & Commercialization Goals;
  3. Identification and understanding of obstacles, gaps and deficiencies of the technology and business;
  4. Clear commercial goals and strong likelihood of attaining commercial goals;
  5. Critical milestones achieved in anticipation of commercial entry and progress to date in achieving commercial success;
  6. Maturity (Proof of Concept, MVP, Pre-commercial or Commercial);
  7. IP rights (current,or ongoing/potential);
Target market & Competitive environment

  1. Size of market and growth trends (Candidate technology should serve a wide / global need, or prove to solve major societal troubles, or tackle an innovative way to improve people’s lives);
  2. Understanding of the proposed market and customer focus: Who the customers are? What do they need and how the technology responds to market needs in an innovative way? Or does your technology meet and yet undiscovered need that will improve people’s lives?
  3. Awareness about competition;
  4. The underlying strength of the technology, as indicated by the value proposition, the understanding of customer needs and expressed interest by end‐users and partners;
Sales and distribution channels

  1. Traction;
  2. Sales & revenues;
  3. Distribution Partnerships;
Potential for funding

  1. Already funded?
  2. Main source of funding
  3. Potential for further rounds, or Clarity about potential exit routes
  4. Funding needs.

From the entire pool of applications we will select the top 20-25 startups that we invite for a final selection to a face to face discussions. Here we get to know your business better and your team members synergy.

Category: Evaluation

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