
KidsFinance offers a Duolingo for financial education associated with a prepaid card for children. Currently, financial education is not a priority for parents or school, and young people risk being unprepared for certain important decisions. The product offers a prepaid card for children associated with financial education lessons. Parents may see children’s history of transactions, set up activities that can be remunerated, and control children’s learning activity. Kids, in turn, solve problems given in order to obtain gamified and financial rewards.


Promoting financial education for kids 8-16 years old through direct means such as lessons and indirectly through unique interactive features.

We offer product comprising of debit cards for kids (provided by, with two dedicated mobile apps for money management, financial education, transaction control and expense analysis

Unique on the Romanian and EU market, empowers children to take control of their finances early on and learn the values of saving and honest work

Addressing a new market segment, this will unleash the potential of financial education to smart and competitive children in our society.